Glimpse of eternity

“Goodbye’s are difficult for me,” I told my counselor. “I love really hard. I go all in. I don’t like change in relationships.”

“Perhaps goodbye’s are difficult because they were never intended to be said. Relationships shouldn’t have to change; that was never God’s best,” she responded. “Relationships are meant to be glimpses of eternity- testimony to a life of glorifying God together. When that isn’t the case, when goodbye’s are said to loves or friends or seasons, it doesn’t sit well because, well, it shouldn’t.”

I’ve been thinking about that conversation a lot recently. That idea of what relationships are: glimpses of eternity. 

Today I had one.

After one year of being away, I finally returned to the safe house in La Vega. It was truly the reunion of all reunions as I wrapped my arms around the women and girls that became family to me.

“LOLI!” They screamed in sing-song voices as they ran to the car. “Loli, we missed you! Loli, welcome back!”

I couldn’t help but think about the connection we have as I turned from person to person to hug each one tightly, thanking the Lord for bringing us together. Smiles were abundant and laughs rang out. Happiness covered our faces as it flooded out of our eyes. Hello’s were exclaimed and children were lifted up and swung around. I was overwhelmed. Reunited with my sisters- both big and small- brought out a special kind of joy in me.

This is a glimpse of eternity. This is how it will be. 

A reunion with the most beautiful souls brought together to glorify Him. A time of celebration and feelings of home. I could picture it. I could feel it. Our hugs shared what words could not, and we felt every emotion, every prayer of thankfulness, from simply clutching each other tightly.

When I explained this to one of the caregivers later, she nodded her head in agreement. “It’s a glimpse of eternity because we’ve been given the same name,” she said with a grin. “We’re in the same family. This reunion will take place again one day.”

I’ve thought about that a lot lately too. That idea of being given the same name, being welcomed into a family. This family that we’re all in… it’s one of divine descent.

I was reminded of the significance of that given name tonight during devotions with the girls. After a long day of catching up beneath the mango tree and eating our fair share of rice and beans, we gathered in a circle on the floor. As little ones sat close to me, we worshipped together and opened in prayer.

“Would anyone like to share about something she has read that meant a lot? Something that has changed you?” One of the caregivers asked.

“The gospel,” one of the girls said without hesitating. “It changed everything.” I smiled at her response. She’s always been one with spiritual confidence- oh, how easily she will preach and pray to any ear. Her testimony is one that will both devastate and lift you up; she will speak boldly of the life she was forced to live and enthusiastically tell you of the life she lives now.

Talk about glimpses of eternity… this fiery thirteen year old will keep them at the forefront of your mind.

She began to share a story of an interaction she had with an old friend recently. As she waited outside of the store for one of the caregivers to return, she noticed this friend approaching her with a surprised look on her face. The friend called out her given name from childhood (but our girl changed hers to “Light” the day she moved into the safe house). “Is that you?!” the friend yelled.

“And you know what I told her?” she asked our circle of listeners. “I said no. Because I’m not that person connected to that name anymore. I told her that name represented who I was, but isn’t who I am now. I have a new name because I have new hope in the light of Jesus.”

My eyes watered at her simple yet profound way of responding to this certain situation. She was right. What a difference a name makes.

God places His name across our lives, proclaiming the intended identity for us: HIS. We are given a new name, a calling, that speaks louder than those given to us by the world. Suddenly, any other identity holds no weight as “daughter of the King” takes its rightful place as our description. What a calling. What a lesson to be reminded of. I’m sure there will be more to come on this topic of redemption as it is only my first day back.

Nueva Esperanza, you have been greatly missed.

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